Wednesday 15 May 2013



Sankara Jayanti is an important day in the Brahma Vidya tradition as Adi Sankara emphasized the importance of the teaching of the Upanishads as the way to self-realization. He wrote the bhashyas for the main Upanishads, Gita and Brahma Sutras. Several prakarana granthas which are very useful for study of Vedanta are also attributed to him. The Upanishads teach the unique methodology of superimposition and negation, thereby leading to the realization of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, as the Substratum of all phenomena, which is the goal of human life. Sankara also revived the Vedic culture laying the foundation for Hindu religion as we see today.

Parayana of Krishna Yajur Veda was performed for 4 days from 16 April to 19th April 2013 by four Vedic pundits.